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Our Current Honorees

The 2024 Man & Woman of the Year Honorees are Dale Donohoel and Kim Kurowski. The biographical information included here illustrates only part of their service to the community of Santa Clarita Valley over many years. They both believe deeply in the importance of volunteerism to build strong neighborhoods which will continue to be attractive to families and keep Santa Clarita a wonderful place to live. They are the most recent example of the how the titles of “Man of the Year” and “Woman of the Year” help to support the community’s amazing network of charitable nonprofit organizations that serve our friends and neighbors. 


BIO: Kim Kurowski, Kim serves as a Director, orchestrating social events that keep our members well-informed about supported activities and nonprofits. With an impressive 16 years of Soroptimist knowledge, Kim's wealth of experience extends to mentoring the President and fellow board members, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment. Kim Kurowski's multifaceted contributions extend beyond the Dream it Be It program, enriching the Soroptimist International of Greater Santa Clarita Valley. Her dedication to breaking cycles of poverty, violence, and abuse through education and mentorship makes her an exemplary candidate for the Volunteer of the Year Award. As the dedicated Dream it Be It Board Liaison, plays a pivotal role in empowering young girls in the William S. Hart School District. Kim attends conferences at all high schools and one junior high, providing essential career support. Her commitment is evident as she arrives early for set-up, ensuring each session begins with a welcoming atmosphere, complete with breakfast and balloons for every participant.

BIO: Dale Donohoe has helped improve the community in which he was born and raised in so many ways. On paper—and in action—his contributions are numerous and impactful, and we’ll get to those in a moment. But first we’d like to share a few things that Dale has done quietly, without fanfare, that have made a significant impact in the lives of those around him. When an employee at Dale’s company, Intertex, suffered a heart attack, his staff performed CPR while they waited for the paramedics, who used defibrillation to get the man’s heart beating again. After he was stabilized, Dale accompanied the patient at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital where he went into surgery to receive a stent. He recovered and is alive and well today. “The ironic thing is that Intertex built the Robert G. Veloz Cardiac Cath Lab at Henry Mayo, and that it ultimately saved our employees’ life,” said Dale. Something else not many people know is that in late 2006-early 2007, Dale suffered a severe infection and went into kidney failure. Fortunately his wife Tamara was identified as a donor match, and gave one of her kidneys to her husband in May 2007. Dale remembers that he could not receive the transplant, however, until he was completely stabilized without any trace of infection. “I thank Henry Mayo, its doctors, employees and staff for making that happen,” said Dale. . As a strong advocate of Santa Clarita’s community hospital, Dale knows firsthand--as a patient-- the importance of making sure the healthcare needs of our community are not only met—but surpassed. His gifts and vision for the future expansions of the hospital demonstrate this dedication. Dale is a board member of Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, and a co-Chair for the Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital Foundation’s New Patient Tower Capital Campaign, Dale leads by example with his volunteerism and generous donations to help the hospital to provide the best in compassionate, quality healthcare . Dale’s leadership benefits his community across many areas. A local born and bred, Dale is active in his church and has served as a deacon and an elder. He and his wife Tamara quietly donate to local charities and to his employees and their families when they see a need. He coached all four (4) of his children in youth sports and was an elementary and Jr High basketball coach at Santa Clarita Christian School. While he has served as a Board Member for many for profit organizations, we are naturally the most proud and grateful of how his volunteerism and donations have benefitted Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. Our mission statement is to improve the health of our community through compassion and excellence in healthcare services, and volunteers such as Dale help us accomplish this, every day. We are so grateful for all Dale does for our community hospital.

Santa Clarita Valley


©2022 SCV Man & Woman of the Year

501c3 Nonprofit Organization

16164 Sierra Hwy | Santa Clarita, CA  91390

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